Spider control services in Northern Illinois
An Overview
Spiders are not insects, but arachnids. It may sound like just a technical distinction but in reality it means quite a lot. Many pesticides that will eliminate insects won’t provide spider control, and there is a massive variety between spider species. In fact, there is almost nothing you can say about one species of spider that is true for all spiders. The vast difference in habits of these varied species cause them to require treatment in different areas and with differing methods and products. Spiders are very common in nature, and will often take a liking to homes due to the many corners and crevices they contain that create a fantastic habitat for them, in nearly every location imaginable.
Microscopic spiders can easily invade homes through tiny cracks or crevices of even the most well sealed homes to ‘set-up shop’ in basements, window frames, crevices, corners, et al, to feed. Once inside, they feed on other insects and spiders, which can be beneficial as they can help control other pests. Most homeowners are unwilling, however, to put up with sharing their home with spiders and the mess they often leave behind. There are countless spider species, but here are some common species found in Northern Illinois:
- Yellow-Sac Spiders
- Wolf Spiders
- Cellar Spiders
- Jumping Spiders
- Garden Spiders
Less common, but dangerous, spiders include
- Brown Recluse
- Black Widow

What can you do?... A lot!
You can help mitigate spider activity in minutes with a disposable feather duster or by vacuuming individual spiders and their webs, particularly corners. Sticky traps can also help manage some species of (hunting) spiders, and are helpful in gauging success over time, but traps won’t work for web-builders and are only supplemental for others. ‘Successful’ mitigation and follow-on control almost always involves the use of chemical pesticides which, when inside, should be applied safely by only a certified pest control technician. (‘successful’ spider control is subjective, based on each person’s tolerance for the number of spiders, webs, chemicals, and more.)
Spiders are difficult to control, safely... We can help!
Most homeowners fail to achieve spider control to their level of tolerance, AND often inundate their home with smelly and sometimes dangerous chemicals in the process. So, if you are having trouble with spiders, give Fox Valley Environmental Pest Control a call at 630-513-8120.
Our thorough spider treatments primarily target pests outside, at the source of the problem. Treatments in living spaces, when necessary, are applied only by certified pest control technicians, and come with a 9-month guarantee, (if they come back… we come back… no charge) leaving you with peace of mind, and you probably won’t smell a thing.
FVEPC has served Kane, DuPage, and surrounding areas in the Chicagoland region of Northern Illinois since 1990! Our goal is to leave your home healthier and more comfortable when we leave than it was when we came. Our technicians receive training through Purdue University and work towards certification through the State of Illinois.
Want to learn more about Spiders in Northern Illinois? Keep reading below!
More facts about Spiders in Illinois
Almost all spiders are venomous, but few are capable of delivering their venom through human skin. Lands like Australia and the Southern United States are known to have many species of spider dangerous to humans, unlike Illinois which has just a handful.
Yellow-Sac Spider
Cheiracanthium inclusum, C. mildie
The Yellow-Sac spider is a common spider in Northern Illinois, that it could be found in nearly any home in Northern Illinois. It is capable of a rather painful bite (similar to a bee sting). While not as dangerous as the Brown Recluse, it can still cause a painful necrotic ulcer. Yellow Sacs hide during the day behind shelves, picture frames, under window sills, in clothing, which is of concern, as C. mildie, in particular, will bite humans and pets without reason. The yellow sacs grow to be the size of a dime or nickel, are cream to pale in color (so, they are difficult to see), and hunt at night which brings them in contact with humans. Most spider bites in Northern Illinois, including most thought to be from Brown recluse, are actually from the Yellow-sac.
Brown Recluse
Loxosceles reclusa
The Brown Recluse a spider very commonly mentioned but is in actuality very rare in Northern Illinois. They are famous for their dangerous bite, causing a necrotic ulcer, which can cause severe muscle loss in very sensitive individuals. They are a medium size and a brown color, which means it is very frequently confused for other spider species, but can still be identified by an unmistakable ‘violin’ shape on their cephalothorax (head/neck). They do not tolerate winters very well, however many often ‘self-confirmed’ incidents have been validated by doctors in the Chicago area. Most confirmed bites happen in the shipping industry, where spiders and other insects often travel far from their native lands.
Wolf Spider
Schizocosa stridulens, Hogna frondicola
Wolf Spiders are a common type of spider, many species of which do not spin webs to catch other insects. Instead, wolf spiders find a safe hiding spot and pounce when pray is nearby. They are timid creatures that avoid contact with humans at all cost, and combined with their weak venom they are seldom a danger to humans. Common species include the Dotted Wolf Spider (Schizocosa stridulens) and the Forest Wolf Spider (Hogna frondicola)
Cellar Spiders
*Species of the Pholcidae family
Cellar Spiders, most frequently referred to as “Daddy Long-Legs”, are a very common spider in Northern Illinois. They often inhabit basements, and have distinct long legs, hence their names. While technically venomous, they have a very weak bite. These are a type of spider that will build webs, and are commonly the source of cobweb buildup in basements and other rooms in a home.
Black Widow Spider
Latrodectus variolus, Latrodectus mactans
They are famous for their painful bites. In most around 75% of bites, symptoms wont exceed temporary localized pain. In some cases, they can cause Latrodectism, in which the pain spreads, along with sweating, nausea, and vomiting. If you develop symptoms after a spider bite, seek medical attention! Luckily, these spiders are less common, but still do exist in Northern Illinois. In the summer, they have been found as far north as Michigan, Delaware, and even Quebec! The Northern Black Widow (L. variolus) is the most common throughout the state, and the Southern Black Widow (L. mactans) inhabits the Southern United States, being seen much less frequently.
Frequently Asked Questions about Spiders:
Why are spiders in my home?
There can be many factors to why spiders have entered your home, including environmental and structural. Many homes in Kane and DuPage County are in forested areas, which is conducive to many insects. Managing growth and brush near the home can help significantly. Conifers, including pine trees and bushes are very prone to spider buildup due to how conducive they are to web construction.
How do I get rid of spiders?
Dusting webs, and vacuuming up spiders can help mitigate ones inside your home. Greater mitigation can be achieved with regular exterior treatments.
Do spiders come inside in the fall because of the cold?
Not exactly, they are always in search of a food source, so they are following other insects in the home.