SEALING Mice and other rodents out with… Rodent-Rope (AICR)

Q: What is Rodent-Rope (AICR)?
A: Adhesive Infused Copper Rope is a tough woven copper fabric barrier that mice/rats/chipmunks can’t chew, sealing mice and other rodents out.
Q: How does ‘RodentRope’ seal mice better than other products?
A: Most products and installers seal much less than 100% of the foundation. But, desperately cold mice are tenacious, and will find any entry points missed by sub-optimal products/installers. BUT…
Rodent-Rope (Also called A.I.C.R) is a SEAMLESS.. IMPENETRABLE barrier that blocks rodents and averts insects, wherever it is installed. Mice and most insects CAN’T get through or around it, and even tiny pests avoid it.
Q: Where is AICR installed?
A: AICR is typically installed at the foundation under siding, corners, and around piping /wiring/faucets/vents/etc. where mice and other rodents gain entry. AICR cannot be used to seal doorways that must be opened and closed.
Q: How is AICR installed?
Mice are capable of finding their way over/under/and around nearly any material, through gaps smaller than your ‘pinky’ finger. So…
A: … wherever necessary, AICR is installed SEAMLESSLY (i.e. corner-to-corner) and TIGHTLY under siding, around the building’s foundation. AICR is pressed up tightly and adhered under siding, to the upper surfaces, to prevent mice from getting on top of the rope, where they might find entry. Once installed AICR E-X-P-A-N-D-S and fills all gaps to further block mice movement.
Metal, steel-wool, screen, and foam FAIL, as mice bypass them, BUT…
Mice can’t get around SEAMLESS Rodent-Rope !
Q: How large (how thick) is AICR and how large an opening can it seal?
A: AICR comes in many sizes to fit gaps as small as ¼” and as large as 1.5”. Beyond 1.5”, other strategies/materials will need to be used in combination with AICR.
Q: What other rodents and insects can it control?
A: AICR’s 4 ply copper fabric will block any pest 1/16 inch or larger, and is infused with powerfully aversive agents that even smaller insects avoid. So… in addition to rodents of any size, AICR will block even most crawling insects, including ants 1/16 inch or larger, in the areas where it is installed.
Q: Is AICR the only thing I need for sealing mice and other rodents out?
A: No. Pests become desperate as weather conditions become extreme, and can climb (even brick)/jump/and chew to find or create new entry points. Therefore, expect that, while your AICR will continue to keep rodents from the areas where it is installed, you may have other areas where additional AICR may help, and areas which require strategies other than AICR.
Q: Will AICR trap water? … block airflow?
A: No. AICR’s unique copper mesh fabric allows water to pass through, and allows fresh air to enter under siding.
Q: How long will it last?
A: Expect that, If left undisturbed, AICR will protect from rodent invasion for the lifetime of the home, in the areas where it is installed. Additional aversion additives will need to be applied from time-to-time to maintain/boost insect control.
Q: Can I purchase AICR and install it myself?
A: No. AICR is a proprietary product, available only from and installed by Fox Valley Environmental Pest Control (FVEPC), in Chicago’s west suburbs, at this time.
Q: I’M IN! … When can FVEPC install my AICR?
A: FIRST… FVEPC must mitigate any existing infestation. (Remember, when you seal them out, you are also sealing mice in.) Click here to learn more about our mice control services
To get on the list ASAP, call (630) 513-8120